Get Off My Lawn: Boomers Share Their Top 20 Pet Peeves That Drive Them Up The Wall

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Growing older can be a wonderful experience filled with newfound wisdom, independence, and knowledge. But along with all the good that comes with aging, there are some things we tend to dislike even more as time passes. Chances are, you’ve noticed yourself … Read more

48 Great Low Stress Jobs After Retirement

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. Do you want to retire but are worried about not having enough money? Or maybe you’re retired but bored with your days filled with nothing but golf and bridge. Don’t worry! Plenty of low stress jobs after retirement can keep you busy … Read more

Men Get Real: Unveiling the Overrated and Overpaid Jobs That Leave Them Scratching Their Heads

THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY DISCLOSURES. FOR MORE INFORMATION. As the world grapples with issues of income inequality and fairness in compensation, some job positions are coming under scrutiny for being overpaid and overvalued. While some may argue that these positions are critical to society and deserve the high salaries they … Read more